Monday, May 4, 2009

FINALS....and Procrastination

Every semester is full of homework,tests, projects, powerpoints, and papers. At the end of each semester is what every college students dreads; FINALS. It always seems like I have a lot of stuff going on throughout the semester, until the last 2 weeks approach. Then I realize how LITTLE I had going on (atleast compared to what I have going on at the time). My biggest problem is that I am a procrastinator. I hold everything off until the last minute. I always think to myself, oh, I have time to do that tomorrow so I'll just work on it then. Tomorrow turns into the next day, which turns into next week, etc. Then it seems like everything hits me at once and I have so much going on that I barely have time to sleep. Dont' get me wrong, I definatly get all my homeowork and projects done. However, I add a ridiculous amount of stress onto myself that could be avoided if I just used my time wisely. I've been doing this since I was in 7th grade, so you'd think I'd learn by now and change my habits. Every year I say to myself, next year I'm going to do it differently. Then I start the new year/semester the way I should by using time wisely and getting things done ahead of time, but that doesn't last long. I easily and quickly slip back into my old ways. If you haven't gotten anything out of any of my previous advice, please, get something out of this. USE YOUR TIME WISELY..because it's not something you can get back.

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