Friday, April 24, 2009

Freshman 5

Your Freshman year of college usually isn't the healthiest. Ever heard of the Freshman 5? Basically, the average Freshman gains 5 pounds during their first year. Why is this? The simple answer: The food they eat. Most students are not used to being on their own so they aren't sure how to cook nice meals or how to balance their nutrition. They end up eating out at fast food restaurants more often then they should, and since they are normally broke, they buy cheap foods. Unfortunatly, cheap foods like Ramen, Mac n Cheese, and hot dogs, are very healthy for you. So be wise and buy some healthy things like salads, fruits n veggies, and try to eat the proper things from the food pyrimad. If eating in the cafeteria, just pay attention to what you're picking out.

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